BEST GRUB Theme for KALI Linux and Ubuntu

Here's I re-share this tutorial so that more people are using this GRUB. This is the cool one,

How? Are you interisting with this? So, what are you waiting for, just install it:
First, Install Text editor:

sudo apt-get install gedit
1. Open your terminal (If you using Ubuntu, type this for root access ( sudo -i ), If you use KALI Linux, its already root access)
2. Download Packet:
3. Copy (Must be root)
Copy files to /etc/default/
4. Extract (must beroot)
After copied, extract 
5. Edit GRUB
Edit file GRUB
sudo gedit /etc/default/grub
Add this to bottom

6. Update GRUB
sudo update-grub
in this part, make sure when you're update grub nothing erros in results. If any error, do not reboot it

GRUB has been installed

See yaaaaa!

